Monday 15 December 2014

Wexford Macra Christmas Party

This years Wexford Macra Christmas Party will take place on Saturday the 20th of December in Wexford Town. The evening will begin around 8.30pm in Maggie May's, Monck Street before the party continues in the other local establishments before hopefully finishing in The Stores, Wexford. All are welcome to attend and if anyone is arriving late please get in touch during the night so we can update you on our whereabouts! Still a few days to get those Xmas Jumpers ready!

Wednesday 10 December 2014

County Meeting

The December Executive takes place tonight, 10th of December, in the IFA Centre Enniscorthy at 9pm. As always all members and anyone interested in joining Macra are invited to come along!

Shane to Represent Wexford at Welding

Best of Luck to Shane Caulfield from Cushinstown Macra who will represent Wexford Macra in the Griffin Engineering Welding All Ireland this Friday, 12th of December. Shane Caulfield qualified from the County Finals, held in the Vocational College, New Ross, ahead of David Doyle (2nd) and James Forrestal (3rd).

Friday 21 November 2014

CountyWelding Competition

The Wexford Macra Welding Competition will take place on Tuesday, 25th November, at 7pm in the Vocational School, New Ross! Contestants need to bring their own rods and mask, all are welcome!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Racing for Macra - Saturday 29th of November

Macra are hosting a Club Fundraiser in Kilcohan Park Greyhound Stadium, Waterford on the 29th November. There will be DJ on the night in the venue followed by afterparty meeting in Sinnotts after the event about 11:30.
Xmas jumper theme also with prizes for best jumper! Tickets are available from Club Members at 10 euro each with a percentage of ticket sales going back to the clubs!
County Officers Aine Doyle and Paddy Hipwell pictured with Paddy Delaney, National Vice-President, at the launch of this years "Racing for Macra"

Friday 14 November 2014

Mark competes in Impromptu Public Speaking

Best of Luck to Mark Waters (Bree Macra) representing the county in the National Semi-Finals of the Impromptu Public Speaking Competition this weekend in Louth.

Bree Compete in NDC Bowling Finals

Well done to the Bree Bowling Team who represented the County at the NDC Bowling National Finals last weekend. The team of Stephen Donohoe, Mark Waters, Damien O'Neill, Marie Doyle, Aine Doyle and Michelle Allen qualified for the final 6. They then got to bowl again before finished 5th out of 18 teams on the day! Well done to all!

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Queen of the Land - this weekend

Anyone travelling to Queen of the Land this weekend in Tullamore - Check out all the latest details here!

Sunday 2 November 2014

County Wexford Meeting this Thursday

The November County Macra executive will take place this Thursday, 6th November, in the IFA Centre, Enniscorthy. The meeting will start at 9pm sharp with everyone most welcome to attend!

Know your Ag and Stockjudging Update

It was a busy weekend for Wexford Macra on the National Competitions front with 6 members competing for three separate titles. The Heritage Hotel, Laois was the base for all the activities with the Annual National Conference and Rally taking place. First in action was a group from Cushinstown Macra. The team of Eric Wickham, John Forrestal, James Forrestal and Patrick Larkin took part in the Famers Journal Know Your Ag Quiz. This title was hotly contested for with Kinsalebeg Macra from Waterford claiming the top prize. There was plenty to do over the weekend including a fancy dress party, gala banquet, farm walks and the club of the year competition. On Sunday it was the turn of the Bord Bia Beef Stockjudging Competition with Mark Waters and Niall Jones from Bree Macra representing the county in the Senior and Under 23 classifications respectively. Luck was not with them on the day and unfortunately neither placed in the top positions. 

Blackwater Macra Sports and Recruitment Night

Club Affiliation Time! Blackwater Macra na Feirme are holding a sports and affiliation night for re-affiliation and an opportunity for anyone wishing to join the club to sign up to be a new member. Meeting in Blackwater hall Wednesday 5th from 8.30pm. We'll be collecting membership with sports after in the hall if you can bring along membership money or bring your bic and Iban nos for the direct debit option!! feel free to also email for any further details.

Friday 24 October 2014

Two Wexford Clubs represented in National Finals this weekend

Best of luck to the team of Eric Wickham, John Forrestal, Shane Caulfield and Patrick Larkin (Cushinstown Macra) in the Farmers Journal Know Your Ag Quiz this weekend. Best wishes also to Niall Jones (Un23) and Mark Waters (Senior) from Bree who are representing Club and County in the Bord Bia Beef Stockjudging Finals, also this weekend. Safe travels to all those heading to the Macra Rally in Laois!

Sunday 12 October 2014

County Know your Ag and Impromptu!

Congratulations to the team from Johnstown/Coolgreany Macra who finished top of the pile at Friday night's County Wexford Know your Ag Quiz, with the local IFA team finishing second. The top Wexford Macra team was Cushinstown Macra and they will now represent the county at the National Finals. There was great numbers in the Impromptu Public Speaking Finals with Mark Waters and Marie Doyle from Bree Macra taking the 2 places in the next round. Thanks to Pat O'Toole who was the quizmaster/judge on the night and to the Farm Centre, Enniscorthy for providing the venue!

Friday 10 October 2014

County Know Your Ag and Impromptu Public Speaking

Don't forget the County Know your Ag Quiz and Impromptu Public Speaking Competition tonight at 8.30pm in the IFA Centre, Enniscorthy. Hope to see you all there!

Great Crowd at County Bowling, Social and New Members' Night

Congrats and well done to all the clubs that competed in last weekends County Bowling Competition. The highest scoring team on the night was Bree Macra, followed by Cushinstown, Blackwater/Kiltealy/Ballindaggin and Askamore. The highest scoring bowler was Stephen Donohoe, Bree followed by Michael Murphy, Kiltealy/Ballindaggin and Ivan Porter, Blackwater Macra. Best of luck to Bree in the next round. A huge thanks to LeisureMax for sponsoring prizes for the best team and scorer! The bowling was followed by a social night in Wexford Town where the socialising continued until the early morning.

Friday 3 October 2014

County Officer Training Pic!

Pictured are the County Officers who attended National Training in Killarney in early September.
L-R: Richard Dempsey (Chairperson), Sean Sheehan (Treasurer), 
Kieran O'Dowd (National Macra President), Paddy Hipwell (NCR) and Aine Doyle (PRO)

County Wexford Bowling, Social and New Members' Night - TOMORROW NIGHT

Calling all members and anyone interested in maybe joining a Macra Club in County Wexford - Tomorrow (Saturday 4th of October) is the highly anticipated Bowling County Final! The event will take place in LeisureMax, Wexford starting at 8.30pm and will be followed by fingerfood afterwards in Maggie May's, Monck Street. All are welcome to attend what is the first major event on the Wexford Macra Calendar this year. The night serves as a great opportunity for new members to come along and get to know members from all the clubs in County Wexford Macra. See you all there!

Friday 26 September 2014

County Bowling, Social and New Members Night!

All are welcome to attend the upcoming County Bowling night. It is a great social event and the first big get together in the Wexford Macra year! LeisureMax, Wexford is the venue for the 4th of October at 8.30. All clubs from the county will be attendance as they battle it out for the chance to represent Wexford at the National Finals later in the year. It's also a great opportunity for anyone thinking of joining Macra to come along and see what the craic is and mingle with our members! Following on from the bowling we will head into Wexford Town for a "social gathering" of sorts in Maggie May's Bar, Monck Street. There will be light refreshments served. Cost of an hours bowling and the refreshments is a bargain 10euro!!! We look forward to seeing the regular members and hopefully meeting a few new and friendly faces there on the night!
Bowling Finals 2013

Bowling Finals 2012

Thursday 11 September 2014

Wexford Macra Meeting

The next Wexford Macra meeting will be held this Thursday, 11th September, in the IFA Centre @ 9pm. With lots to discuss and decide about the coming Macra year it is VITAL that all county and club officers attend or send a representative. :)

Friday 6 June 2014

County AGM - New Officers Elected

The Wexford Macra na Feirme AGM was held last night, Thursday, in the IFA, Centre, Enniscorthy
New Wexford Macra na Feirme Committee Members 2014-2015
President - Gail Daniels, Askmore Macra
Chairperson - Richard Dempsey, Cushinstown Macra
Secretary - Cathal Byrne, Bree Macra
Treasurers - Sean Sheehan and Eoghan Sheridan, Askamore Macra
PRO - Áine Doyle, Bree Macra
Competitions Secretary - Sinéad Hughes, Bree Macra
Young Farmer Development Officer - TBC
Development and Sports, Social and Travel - Committee to be established
IFA and National Council Representative - TBC
Thanks to all who attended the AGM and to Andrea McCann and Sally O'Morchoe who spoke to us about the upcoming Gorey Agricultural Show!

Saturday 31 May 2014

Wexford Macra AGM

The Wexford Macra na Feirme AGM will take place this Thursday, 5th June. The venue will be the IFA Centre, Enniscorthy. Everyone, Macra related or otherwise, is invited to attend with the meeting starting at 9pm sharp.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

County Dairy Stockjudging Final this Thursday

The Diary Stock Judging will take place this Thursday in Davidstown at 7pm. Can club secretaries send their entries to Mairead tonight or tomorrow please so judges can be confirmed.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Queen of the Wool

And the winner is......Elizabeth Earle from Blackwater Macra. Huge congratulations to Elizabeth and to the Runner-Up Caroline Gittens, TrebleR Macra. Well done also to Lisa Walsh, Rathdowney Macra who won a prize for the best woolen craft on the night. A huge thank you to everyone involved in yesterday's event - to the beautiful contestants themselves, ye were credit to yourselves, your clubs, your counties and Macra na Feirme, we sincerely hope ye enjoyed yourselves! To the escorts ye did a great job, thanks for stepping up and looking after the girls, we hope ye had a good night too. To the judges (Phyllis Bolger, Karen McGillicuddy, Thomas Honer and Josephine Casey) and our MC Eric Driver the event would not of been possible without ye so thank you for volunteering your time so generously! To all our volunteers during the day and night - thanks a million for giving up your Saturday and putting for putting so much energy and enthusiasm into your roles! To Golden Shears Ireland thank you for having the courage and drive to organise such a huge festival for the benefit of the such great local charities, the local community, County Wexford and the country, thank you also for asking us to come on board, we hope the opening night gave it a kick start and that the rest of the week goes smoothly, successfully and safely for ye. Thank you to Beat 102 103 and the Amber Springs Hotel & Spa Resort for your help. To Casey Concrete, Creative Dynamix and all those who sponsored/donated prizes Go Raibh Míle maith Agaibh go leir! Finally to the audience who travelled from across the country to support Wexford Macra and the contestants, we hope ye had a good night (sincere apologies for the temperature but unfortunately the elements were beyond our control and we hope it didn't dampen your spirits). Queen of the Wool Committee
Queen of the Wool Elizabeth Earle, Blackwater Macra, pictured with judges Karen McGillicuddy, Thomas Honer, Phyllis Bolger and Josephine Casey

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Win Free Tickets to Queen of the Wool

Want to grab yourself a free pair of tickets to Queen of the Wool...check out our Twitter page for your chance!!!!

Queen of the Wool Contestants

Check out the gorgeous ladies that will be competing for the Queen of the Wool Title - now on the Queen of the Wool tab and on Facebook (Queen-of the-Wool)!

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Queen of the Wool

Check out our new poster!

Countdown to Queen of the Wool

With 9 days to go it is not too late to get your tickets and accommodation sorted for Queen of the Wool. Some tickets will be available on the door but it is better to be safe than sorry!

Tickets -
Accommodation -

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Bree Macra make All Ireland Drama Finals

Well done to the Bree Macra team of Niall Doyle, Michelle Hogan, Stephen Donohoe, Sarah Doyle and Damien O'Neill who qualified for and performed in the All Ireland Amateur Drama Competition, held last week. It was the club's first entry to the competition in 14 years and they were delighted with their performance on the night of "What's for Pudding?" Unfortunately the team was not placed, but they, and their producer Pat O'Callaghan, and supporters had a great weekend and promise it won't be as long again until their next production!

May County Executive

The May Wexford Macra County Executive will take place tomorrow, Thursday 1st, at 9pm in the IFA, Centre, Enniscorthy! The more Macra members and future members the better!

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Queen of the Wool Update

Check out the latest information on tickets and accommodation on the Queen of the Wool Tab!

Mr Personality - Congratulations Eugene

Congratulations to Eugene Sheridan who represented Askamore and Wexford Macra excellently at the recent 2014 Mr. Personality Weekend. The contest was won by South Tipperary's Michael O'Dwyer with Kerry's John Michael Fitzgerald and Leitrim's Damien Wrynne Runners-Up.

Monday 7 April 2014

April County Executive

The April Wexford Macra Executive will take place tomorrow, Thursday 8th April, in Bree Community Centre @ 9pm. All are welcome to attend!

Bree Macra in National Drama Finals

Congratulations to the Bree Macra Drama Team who have qualified for the National Drama Finals. The team of Niall Doyle, Stephen Donohoe, Sarah Doyle, Michelle Hogan and Damien O'Neill gave an excellent performance of "What's for Pudding?" on Sunday Night in Glenealy, Wickow. Competing against teams from Freemount, Enfield, Johnstown Coolgreany, Glanmire and Kilkenny Macra, the team, along with producer Pat O'Callaghan, were delighted to progress to the Finals which will be held on 26th and 27th April in West Cork.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

March County Executive

The March Wexford Macra Executive takes place this Thursday, 6th March, in The Horse and Hound, Ballinaboola at 9pm, all are welcome and encouraged to come along!

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Busy Weekend Ahead for Wexford Macra - Question Time and Basketball

Friday 21st February - The County Question Time takes place in the Ferrycarrig Hotel, Wexford at 8pm. This year the event is being held in conjuction with a charity table quiz in aid of the "It's Good 2 Talk" Counselling Service so any support Macra members and friends can give by attending on the night is much appreciated.

Sunday 23rd of Febraury - The rescheduled County Basketball Finals, hosted by Cushinstown Macra, take place in the Good Counsel, New Ross at 2pm!

Saturday 15 February 2014

County Basketball Final Postponed

Due to storm damage from last Wednesday's storm the County Basketball Final has been postponed until next Sunday 23rd of February in Ramsgrange.

Monday 10 February 2014

February County Executive

A very productive February County Executive was held last Thursday in the IFA Centre, Enniscorthy.
Highlights from the night included:

A very informative speech from Denis Howell and George Graham about the upcoming World Sheep Shearing and Wool Handling Championships which will be held in Gorey from the 17th - 25th of May 2014. Wexford Macra agreed to assisting in the running of the night of the 17th with a Queen of the Wool Competition.

Paddy Delaney spoke about the importance of travel opportunities in Macra and the use of a Leinster forum for Macra clubs.
Jacqueline Walsh spoke about new changes to the club training weekend and training available for the new Macra database.

County officer and club reports were given.

Dates for the diary which were set on the night include:
County Basketball Finals - Sunday 16th February @ 2pm in Ramsgrange hosted by Cushinstown Macra.
County Question Time (being held in conjunction with the "Good to Talk Counselling Support Service" Table Quiz) - Friday 21st of February @ 8pm in the Ferrycarrig Hotel, Wexford.
County Titles Night - Friday 28th of February in the Holy Grail, Ballindaggin hosted by Kiltealy/Ballindaggin Macra. Titles up for grab on the night include Wexford's Miss Blue Jeans, Mr Personality, Queen of the Land, Miss Macra and Queen of the Wool.
New Members Nights
Kiltealy/Ballindaggin New Member's Night 20th February in the Holy Grail
Wexford Macra New Member's Night - 27th February in Maggie May's, Wexford @ 8pm

The March County Executive will be held on the 6th of March @ 9pm in the Horse and Hound.