Sunday 2 November 2014

Know your Ag and Stockjudging Update

It was a busy weekend for Wexford Macra on the National Competitions front with 6 members competing for three separate titles. The Heritage Hotel, Laois was the base for all the activities with the Annual National Conference and Rally taking place. First in action was a group from Cushinstown Macra. The team of Eric Wickham, John Forrestal, James Forrestal and Patrick Larkin took part in the Famers Journal Know Your Ag Quiz. This title was hotly contested for with Kinsalebeg Macra from Waterford claiming the top prize. There was plenty to do over the weekend including a fancy dress party, gala banquet, farm walks and the club of the year competition. On Sunday it was the turn of the Bord Bia Beef Stockjudging Competition with Mark Waters and Niall Jones from Bree Macra representing the county in the Senior and Under 23 classifications respectively. Luck was not with them on the day and unfortunately neither placed in the top positions. 

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